Outdoor Classrooms
We know based on experience that outdoor learning is crucial to a child’s development. At Green Garden our natural playgrounds are a second classroom, since we know learning isn’t limited to four walls. We aim to be the foundation of the Nature Connection Pyramid, providing your child with daily nature immersion. Children are expected to come to school in appropriate clothing that corresponds to the weather. We will be going outside everyday — rain, shine or snow!

At each Green Garden Campus you will find a natural playground, which we often refer to as our “outdoor classroom”. Outside is an extension of our indoor environments and we take our outside time very seriously. Everyone knows outside can get messy – we keep it that way. Our teachers and staff express excitement as we walk outdoors to explore! We look to the soil in our gardens and the snow on our playgrounds as opportunities to play, inquire and dream. Was there heavy rainfall? Neat, we’ll splash in puddles. Is there a fresh morning dew? On it, we’re taking magnifying glasses out and investigating.
Healthy risk taking
By having natural materials readily available for children we expect them to use their creativity and imagination, and they never fail to do so! For our toddlers and preschoolers they want to CLIMB! We encourage them to build structures and push their comfort levels in a safe environment. Our students build self-confidence as they wobble on a balance beam or run quickly down a hill. The last thing we want as Early Childhood professionals is to interrupt their stream of play. We consistently assure students that we’re here to help support them on their wildest adventures!
Natural Materials
Our outdoor classrooms are filled with tree cookies (no, they aren’t edible), bird feeders and sticks! Some campuses also have stumps and bigger logs. At Green Garden you will not find large brightly-colored jungle gyms or swing sets. Instead, you will find shovels, mud kitchens and bikes.
Respect for the world
Green Garden kids learn about empathy and how to be respectful to growing beings that aren’t humans. For some campuses, this looks like helping care for our chickens. This is a great way for our students to learn how to care for animals and treat them with kindness. Thanks to the help of our nature specialists we also are able to learn about life cycles, regional species and natural habitats.
Our Programs
The first year of life is full of special moments and milestones. Our team of Infant Teachers is here to support you as you embark on your parenting journey! Sharing photos and highlights of every day to include you in all of your child’s growth and development.
Learn MoreToddlers
When you enter a Toddler Classroom, you will see teachers ready to listen, learn and play. We listen to your child’s interest to create a classroom environment that cultivates creativity and provides a safe place to express themselves and explore their world.
Learn MorePreschool & Pre-K
Preschool at Green Garden looks like play but there’s so much more. Our classrooms are led by the children and supported intentionally for them. We incorporate the outdoors any chance we get and ensure our teachers serve as leaders of learning.
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